Geetom48’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Looner, The Band

This band is composed of only two people, both of whom are inspired by today’s music but want to give more of themselves to  the industry and listeners by not being stuck in some niche that fit neither of them.


Angel has a Puerto Rican background and moved to Los Angeles when he was nearly broke.  Zoe is a native of Los Angeles and has been around the music business for a long time.  Together, the couple form a terrific sound with their catchy tunes.  I just received their promotional CD with two songs on it:  “I Love My Tomagotchee!” and “Dutchie.”


Their sound is unique, drawing on the rhythmic talents of Angel and his percussion instruments and the neo sounds of Zoe’s voice.  Angel uses his synthetic beats to start a song that keeps the repetitive beat going while they both add their vocals to the music.  They’ve performed with the likes of Ziggy Marley and continue to open doors in the music world that is so chock filled with the same old jaded music.  Their goal is to stay true to their hearts when they perform and bring on a new era in the music field that is already over populated by the “same old thing.”


“I Love My Tomagotchee!” is melodious and the self-produced video that is making headway on YouTube is proving they are quickly grabbing an audience that will sit up and take notice of this duo.


Booked solid for the next month while on tour, their music is sure to please a large audience with their captivating performances.  You can find more information about this duo at their web site:


They’ve got what it takes to make it in the saturated music industry and in the future, their record label that they started, Avian Recording Company, will bring on other bands who believe as they do:  be true to yourself and the music you believe in.  Check their touring schedule to see if there is a venue in your area.  They’re great!

August 28, 2009 Posted by | Entertainment | Leave a comment