Geetom48’s Weblog

Just another weblog

OK. It’s 2009.

OK, so it’s 2009 and we’re off to a great start.  The stock market still wavers, there are more foreclosures and it doesn’t look all that good for credit cards.  Other than that, things look pretty good.  We’re able tto catch up on TV re-runs of telecasts we’ve already seen and the grocery store is still in the same location as it was on 1/1/09.  The washer and dryer still work, there haven’t been any plumbing problems (Oh, my!), and the furnace keeps my home warm.  The sun still rises and sets every  day regardless of the cloud cover and snow blankets the ground in many places.  Mandi still sleeps all day and cats around at night while I’m sleeping.
The doorbell doesn’t work but everyone knows to knock on the front door.  My patio is warm with the aid of a space heater and I still write reviews for
New adventures arrive to replace what’s broken and won’t be used again.  I start my new job next week and it will bring in that additional cash needed to survive in today’s economy.  My bed gets made every morning and I still drink a pot of coffee before 11.
I am not bored.  Just alone.

January 19, 2009 Posted by | Straight from George | Leave a comment